Mood of the Month

I am an Irishman living in Maida Vale, London West 9, approaching my 62nd year.

Like many of my fellow countrymen, and indeed many other ethnic people, I often think of home. Home is where I was born and reared and educated and went to work in my earlier years. Even though I have spent 35 years in England, Ireland is at the core of my spiritual being and its where I ramble in my imagination down ancient Dublin street or quiet country road.

Every month or so I will record the mood of the moment through poem or ballad or image or whatever. I will let the feeling rise and shimmer and hopefully for a moment catch your attention and interest.

If you would like to join me in my contemplation feel free to contribute your thoughts and feelings on any subject in whatever manner you prefer and share the welcome of my page.

I will arise and go now, for always night and day
I hear lake water lapping with low sounds by the shore;
While I stand on the roadway, or on the pavement grey
I hear it in the deep heart’s core

W B Yeats

Really gets the mood. I can be having a pint in a quiet London pub but I am away to a Dublin hostelry, all wood and snugs with glistening brass listening to the simmer and flow of the ould fellas.


All those years ago
I came across from Ireland
And listened to the band
In a park in Golders Green

I held my pastry
And sipped a cup of tea
Lolling in a striped deck chair
And thought, I’ve arrived
I’ve got it made

Many years have passed
And I have seen the two days
If not the many more
And felt the rough and at times
The joy of London living

Especially in later years
There has always been the thought
Of going back
To some land that I am
Unable to visit any more

An old farmhouse
With the company of generations
Clinging to a crumbling hearth
Waiting to be kissed and held
And brought to life

But it’s all a fairyland
And the reality is
A memory that tries to fasten on
To the curlew’s dwindling call
And the last soar of the lark

Liam Purcell